Day: May 21, 2024


Thanks to an error, a man ordered genuine Cartier diamond earrings for only $13, even though their actual price is $13 000.

Rogelio Villarreal Jasso, a Mexican, snagged a pair of luxury Cartier diamond earrings for a mere $13 due to a website error, despite their regular price of $13,000 for the Clash model. The jewelry store attempted to cancel the sale, reports Business Insider. In December last year, Rogelio noticed an ad on Instagram for Cartier […]

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The best film of 2024 has arrived online. This service offers it in premium quality.

The best and highest-grossing film of the year, Dune: Part Two, will be available on a streaming service starting tomorrow. Until now, the movie was only offered on platforms where users could watch or purchase it for a one-time fee. However, this will change on May 21. Dune: Part Two will be available on the […]

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The first Tesla Cybertruck to be totaled? The massive steel frame couldn’t withstand a collision with a Ford.

In the case of the Cybertruck, the right door axle was damaged, and the massive battery likely sustained damage as well. Photos of a car accident involving a Tesla Cybertruck, which emerged significantly damaged, are circulating online. This appears to be the first model of its kind to sustain serious damage in a collision. Images […]

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You will be able to control your iPhone with your eyes, and advanced artificial intelligence will be included. iOS 18 will bring revolutionary innovations.

Some of the new features were revealed in a press release, but the entire system will be introduced at the conference in June of this year. Apple has announced the first highlights of iOS 18 in a press release. All the features of the new operating system will be unveiled at the WWDC conference, which […]

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