AI Grok now capable of creating images on X, rivaling Midjourney in quality

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The Grok language model, developed by Elon Musk’s X team, has recently been upgraded to its new 2 Beta version.

This update is available for all users subscribed to the paid version of X (formerly Twitter), allowing them to experience its capabilities firsthand. With the Grok 2 mini Beta, users can now engage in conversations and, more excitingly, generate images directly within X.

For graphic creation, Grok leverages FLUX.1, a service developed by the German startup Black Forest Labs. In recent weeks, FLUX.1 has emerged as a strong competitor to the popular Midjourney platform in terms of output quality. As a result, the images generated by Grok are highly impressive.

However, there are still some limitations. Grok doesn’t offer any customization options—users cannot adjust the size, aspect ratio, or make additional tweaks to the images. In this regard, Midjourney remains unmatched in providing flexible and customizable image generation.

When compared to DALL-E, another AI image generator available through OpenAI’s paid ChatGPT service, Grok stands out significantly in terms of image quality.


In previous articles, we’ve consistently compared each version of Midjourney using the same prompts. We’ve now applied these same prompts to Grok, allowing you to judge the results for yourself. In our gallery, you’ll find side-by-side comparisons of Grok’s output and the latest Midjourney V6.1 images, with full prompts listed in the descriptions.

Midjourney generates four images with each prompt, from which users can select one to further refine. We’ve included the full set of four in our article for comparison. Grok, on the other hand, produces just a single image per prompt, but does so incredibly quickly—often in just a few seconds. In contrast, Midjourney takes noticeably longer to generate its images.

It’s worth noting that image generation within X’s subscription service is not unlimited. After creating around 20–40 images, Grok will notify you that you’ve reached your limit for the session. To continue generating images, you’ll either need to wait or upgrade to the Premium+ version.

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