Google Faces Major AI Issue: Advises Users to Eat Rocks, Here’s Why

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A new feature is currently available only in the USA, but Google plans to expand it to other countries.

Google has introduced a new feature in the USA called “AI Overview,” which provides direct answers to user queries using artificial intelligence. However, the feature is facing significant issues. It struggles to distinguish irony and sarcasm from factual information, as reported by XDA Developers.

As a result, Google has been giving users absurd advice, some of which could be dangerous. For example, it suggested using Nutella instead of thermal paste for a computer processor.

Eating Rocks and Glue on Pizza The AI also advised users to consume rocks daily for their mineral and vitamin content. Another bizarre and potentially hazardous recommendation was to mix glue into the cheese on pizza.

The new feature is currently only available in the USA. Google plans to gradually roll out “AI Overview” to other countries. If Google doesn’t fix this functionality, it could cause problems. The responses might negatively affect less tech-savvy users, seniors, or young children, who may have difficulty distinguishing AI-generated content from real answers.


Japanese Scientists Create a Smiling Robot with Living Skin

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