Japanese Scientists Create a Smiling Robot with Living Skin

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The ultimate goal of the scientists is to achieve self-healing capabilities for robotic skin, similar to human skin.

Japanese scientists have developed a living skin equivalent using human skin cells to cover the surfaces of robots. They claim this new material can be applied in robotics, healthcare, and cosmetics.

Researchers from the University of Tokyo published their findings this week in a study featured in the scientific journal Cell Reports Physical Science. Biohybrid robotics experts hope that this technology will eventually help create androids with human-like appearance and behavior. The research team, led by Professor Shoji Takeuchi, also believes the material will aid in better understanding wrinkle formation and the physiology of human expressions, as well as contribute to the development of transplant materials and new cosmetics.

To create a natural smile with smooth movement, they used a technique inspired by the connections of real human skin, where ligaments anchor the skin to underlying tissues. The researchers simulated this by anchoring the material into cavities embedded within the robot.

This new material could signify a shift away from traditional humanoid robots covered in realistic-looking silicone skin, which cannot sweat or repair itself.

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