The sale of a robotic dog equipped with a flamethrower has been initiated.

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The American private company Throwflame, based in Ohio, has begun offering an unconventional yet somewhat anticipated product. It is a four-legged robot similar to Boston Dynamics’ Spot, but in this case, it is equipped with an actual flamethrower, as reported by Ars Technica. In the context of the U.S., this wild toy is available at a relatively affordable price.

Named the Thermonator, this robot is priced at $9,420. While not everyone might spend that amount on such a toy, it is sure to find its own fan base. Interestingly, for potential buyers and to the dismay of others, this device is legal in 48 out of the 50 U.S. states, with California and Maryland being the exceptions.

However, the Thermonator is not merely a wild toy; it also serves as a practical tool that can be surprisingly useful. Throwflame suggests that this battery-operated, four-legged robot can be used in agriculture or in combating forest fires, where controlled burning is often necessary, and the robot could assist in such operations.

The company also lists several other uses for the robot, including, of course, entertainment. The robot features LIDAR, which helps it avoid obstacles, and it can shoot flames up to a distance of approximately 10 meters. Throwflame also offers standalone flamethrowers and a version that can be mounted on drones, which, while sounding more ominous in terms of safety, can serve similar purposes.

Throwflame specializes in manufacturing flamethrowers, and the robot itself is not their own creation. It appears to be a model from Unitree, specifically the Go2. This four-legged robot is available separately in the United States for $1,600, offering a load capacity of 7 to 8 kg, battery life ranging from 1 to 4 hours depending on the model, and the ability to handle up to a 40° incline.

According to Throwflame’s website, the robot has a battery life of about one hour, which likely indicates it is a lower-end model. Refueling is straightforward: gasoline is simply poured into the back of the flamethrower. The device weighs just under 17 kilograms and is equipped with a laser targeting system.


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