

Want your phone’s battery to last longer? Try the 20/80 rule

When buying a new phone, many users hope to keep it functioning at its best for as long as possible. One of the key factors in maintaining your phone’s longevity is the battery, which typically lasts between two to four years before its performance begins to degrade. Over time, all batteries gradually lose capacity. This […]

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What to avoid when you have a nosebleed

Most people make a common mistake when dealing with a nosebleed. While nosebleeds can be alarming, they typically are not a medical emergency. The amount of blood lost is often much less than it appears. It is rare for someone to lose a significant amount of blood and go into shock from a nosebleed alone. […]

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Foods to prioritize during heatwaves

It is a common misconception that hydration can only be achieved through beverages. In fact, our diet can often provide more fluids than we realize. When you hear about the importance of staying properly hydrated during the summer (or at any time), your first thought might be glasses of water or other beverages. While it […]

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Struggling to sleep in the heat? these tips might help

As the heat wave continues, it can make not only our days but also our nights uncomfortable. This article provides insights into how you can improve your sleep quality during hot weather.Temperature significantly affects sleep quality throughout the year. However, when temperatures rise, it can naturally disrupt your sleep cycle. During the initial phases of […]

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