The new iPad commercial has angered people who are disturbed by the depiction of a hydraulic press destroying items worth thousands of dolars.

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The promotional video aims to introduce a new device they are launching on the market.

Apple has faced criticism for its new iPad advertisement. Viewers disapprove of the destruction of devices worth thousands of euros for advertising purposes. The portal reported on the negative feedback regarding the marketing by the American company. In the one-minute ad, a hydraulic press crushes everything beneath it, including paint cans, a piano, a computer, a television, and other expensive devices. Even an Angry Birds character is not spared. After destroying everything, a new generation iPad appears beneath the press. The ad likely aims to symbolize the complexity of the new device.

According to, Apple probably drew inspiration from TikTok. Currently, on this social network, videos of a press crushing various objects and devices are going viral. Followers find such content satisfying and relaxing.

Comments under the YouTube video have been disabled.

As notes, fans are displeased that a company as wealthy as Apple destroys expensive items for the sake of advertising. In response to the backlash, the company even disabled the commenting feature on the video on YouTube.

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