The unexpected announcement by the second pilot greatly alarmed the passengers. “We apologize for diverting the flight to King Abdulaziz Airport in Jeddah. This is due to the death of pilot Hassan, my brother and friend,” he explained the situation to the people on board. The Nesma Airlines aircraft was flying from Cairo, Egypt to Taif, Saudi Arabia on Monday. Mid-flight, passengers learned that their pilot had passed away. The news was reported by tn.cz, citing Egyptian Streets.
“We apologize for diverting the flight to King Abdulaziz Airport in Jeddah. This is due to the death of pilot Hassan, my brother and friend,” the second pilot informed the frightened passengers.
Authorities have not yet disclosed the exact cause of the pilot’s death. According to Egyptian media, he died due to a “sudden health issue.” Allegedly, he had been struggling with health problems for some time.