This website can find all your photos on the internet

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There’s a website that uses artificial intelligence to locate all the photos of you that are stored somewhere on the internet, even if you only provide a single image.

The internet never forgets and it certainly doesn’t forgive. It meticulously stores everything, often in public spaces. A prime example is a website that might send chills down your spine: PimEyes. This platform uses AI to search for and find every photo of you on the internet where your face appears.


We tested it ourselves, and the process is quite straightforward. You upload your photos to the site, tag them, and within less than 10 seconds, PimEyes returns the results. The site does not pull photos from social media; it searches through websites. So if your high school proudly posted your photo on its website, PimEyes will eagerly bring that to your attention. We even found pictures from a school trip that we would have preferred to forget.


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