VIDEO: The Tesla’s autopilot decided to crash into a train at full speed. The driver is lucky to be alive.

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The controversial autonomous driving system that Tesla refers to as FSD still fails to deliver the promised autonomy, despite Elon Musk’s assurances. Craig Doty II from Ohio can attest to this.

As reported by Futurism, footage from the dashboard camera in his Tesla shows that the vehicle, while in FSD mode, “forgot” to brake and headed straight for an oncoming train. The driver had to intervene at the last moment to prevent a collision.

The video below clearly shows the vehicle driving through a foggy landscape, approaching a railroad crossing with barriers. Despite the clearly visible light signals on the barriers, the Tesla autopilot ignores them and speeds toward the passing train.

The driver had to act quickly to steer the car off the road and avoid the accident at the last second.

On social media and various discussion forums, voices are emerging that, although the vehicle is in FSD mode, the driver is still responsible for its operation and must remain extremely cautious and vigilant.

While this is technically true, it raises the question of why Tesla refers to this assistance program as “Full Self-Driving.The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has noticed this issue and has launched an investigation. Although the initiation of this investigation prompted Tesla to release a new update for the assistant, the agency is concerned that the update may not be sufficient.

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