Official Trailer Released for Black Mirror Season 7

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Netflix has unveiled the official trailer for the much awaited seventh season of the black mirror.

The acclaimed British-Fi Anthology series created by Charlie Bruker, set to return to Netflix with six brand-nine episodes on 10 April. Black Mirror originally started Channel 4 in 2011, before Netflix acquired rights and turned it into a global event.

The series examines the dark and often unstable consequences of modern technology, delaying topics such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and digital monitoring.

During Netflix’s Geekad Week, the broker shared, “You can expect a mixture of styles and styles.” “We have six episodes, and two of them are practically feature-length. Some are upset by deep, some are surprisingly funny, and some are quite emotional, ”he said.

Widely considered one of the most successful science-fi series of its time, Black Mirror has received significant praise and many awards including Amy Jeet. Known for its standalone episodes with various castes and stories, the show carries boundaries in the speculative story.

The upcoming season will feature an impressive lineup of stars including Peter Capledi, Emma Corin and Paul Giamati. The audience is also ready to perform the performance of Issa Rai, Christin Miliotor and Sienna Kelly, as reported by Netflix by Tudum.

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