An Athens factory that has been producing pans since 1947 and exporting its products abroad experienced a major explosion on Saturday afternoon.
The explosion occurred at a stainless steel cookware factory employing around 130 people. According to available information, none of the employees were injured.
Dozens of firefighters are working to extinguish the blaze caused by the explosion. A firefighting helicopter has also been deployed. Unpleasant smoke is spreading to densely populated areas, prompting authorities to advise people to close their windows and doors and avoid going outside.
Eyewitnesses reported seeing charred pieces of manufacturing materials falling from the sky. The flames are primarily consuming polystyrene and plastics. The cookware factory is owned by Vassilis Palamidis, the husband of former Greek Deputy Health Minister Mina Gaga.
In addition to Greece, the factory’s products were mainly exported to Cyprus, Italy, and Balkan countries.
Athens is a popular tourist destination, attracting numerous visitors.